Pirkt Tiešsaistē: Street Fighter 6 (PC)
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Official Steam activation code for redeeming the game Street Fighter 6 on your Steam account.
Powered by Capcom's proprietary RE ENGINE, the Street Fighter 6 experience spans across three distinct game modes featuring World Tour, Fighting Ground and Battle Hub.
Diverse Roster of 18 Fighters: Play legendary masters and new fan favorites like Ryu, Chun-Li, Luke, Jamie, Kimberly and more in this latest edition with each character featuring striking new redesigns and exhilarating cinematic specials.
Dominate the Fighting Ground: Street Fighter 6 offers a highly evolved combat system with three control types - Classic, Modern and Dynamic - allowing you to quickly play to your skill level. The new Real Time Commentary Feature adds all the hype of a competitive match as well as easy-to-understand explanations about your gameplay. The Drive Gauge is a new system to manage your resources. Use it wisely in order to claim victory.
Explore the Streets in World Tour: Discover the meaning of strength in World Tour, an immersive, single-player story mode. Take your avatar and explore Metro City and beyond. Meet Masters who will take you under their wing and teach you their style and techniques.
Seek Rivals in the Battle Hub: The Battle Hub represents a core mode of Street Fighter 6 where players can gather and communicate, and become stronger together. Use the avatar you create in World Tour to check out cabinets on the Battle Hub floor and play against other players, or head over to the Game Center to enjoy some of Capcom's classic arcade games.
Kāpēc izvēlēties punktid.lv e-veikalu?
- Cena – pateicoties mūsu digitālajai piegādei, mēs varam izlaist piegādes un iepakošanas izmaksas, kas ļauj mums pārdot spēles lētāk par ieteicamo mazumtirdzniecības cenu.
- Uzticamība – Trustpilot platformā mums ir tūkstošiem pozitīvu atsauksmju, un mūsu vidējais vērtējums ir 5/5. Mēs vienmēr darām visu iespējamo, lai mūsu klientu pieredze būtu pēc iespējas patīkamāka un ātrāka.
- Pieredze – mēs esam tirgū kopš 2009. gada un zinām visu par spēlēm, tāpēc varam palīdzēt gandrīz visos jautājumos. Un, pat ja mēs nezinām, mēs to uzzināsim un mēģināsim tev palīdzēt!