Pirkt Tiešsaistē: Sim City: Cities of Tomorrow Limited Edition
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The official serial code for activating the game "Sim City: Cities of Tomorrow Limited Edition" on your Origin account. This activation code allows you to legally activate, download and play the "Sim City: Cities of Tomorrow Limited Edition" game.
What kind of future will you build for your city? Will you create a utopian society underpinned by clean technology, or allow a giant corporation to plunder and pollute in the name of feeding your Sims’ insatiable consumerism? In addition to expanding outward, cities will have the ability to build into the sky with enormous multi-zone MegaTowers.
Education and research will help you discover new technologies that make your cities less polluted, less reliant on natural resources, managed day-to-day by service drones, and as a byproduct– at risk for resource-draining giant robot attacks on your city. As the population increases, your Sims will live, work, and play closer together. Whether they do so in harmony and prosperity or as members of an exploited workforce is up to you.
Build into the Sky — Create towering multi-zone MegaTowers that allow your Sims to live, work, and play without ever having to touch the ground.
Corporate Consumerism vs. Green Utopian — Unlock two new city specializations that allow you to build a resource-hungry mega corporation powered by a low-wealth workforce, or an urban utopia that develops clean technology and is controlled by the rich.
Transform Tomorrow — Watch your city transform as it adapts to the changing times, with new options based on real-world technology such as Mag Levs that rise above the city streets and small buildings, futurized vehicles, and service drones.
New Disaster — Brace yourself for an all-new type of disaster only fitting a technologically-advanced economy: a giant robot attack on your city!
Kāpēc izvēlēties punktid.lv e-veikalu?
- Cena – pateicoties mūsu digitālajai piegādei, mēs varam izlaist piegādes un iepakošanas izmaksas, kas ļauj mums pārdot spēles lētāk par ieteicamo mazumtirdzniecības cenu.
- Uzticamība – Trustpilot platformā mums ir tūkstošiem pozitīvu atsauksmju, un mūsu vidējais vērtējums ir 5/5. Mēs vienmēr darām visu iespējamo, lai mūsu klientu pieredze būtu pēc iespējas patīkamāka un ātrāka.
- Pieredze – mēs esam tirgū kopš 2009. gada un zinām visu par spēlēm, tāpēc varam palīdzēt gandrīz visos jautājumos. Un, pat ja mēs nezinām, mēs to uzzināsim un mēģināsim tev palīdzēt!