Pirkt Tiešsaistē: Monster Hunter Wilds (PC)
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The unbridled force of nature runs wild and relentless, with environments transforming drastically from one moment to the next.
Fulfill your duty as a Hunter by tracking and defeating powerful monsters and forging strong new weapons and armor from the materials you harvest from your hunt as you uncover the connection between the people of the Forbidden Lands and the locales they inhabit.
The ultimate hunting experience awaits you in Monster Hunter Wilds.
A few years past, a young boy named Nata was rescued at the border of the Forbidden Lands, an unexplored region the guild has yet to survey.
After hearing the boy's tale of his lone escape from a mysterious monster that attacked his village, the Guild organized an expedition into the Forbidden Lands to investigate.
A Living World: Environments within the Forbidden Lands can drastically change as the weather shifts constantly and suddenly. During the harsh Fallow and perilous Inclemency periods, ravenous monsters will venture out to hunt in packs, yet during the Plenty periods, wildlife is rich and abundant.
The monsters who inhabit these environments have been forced to adapt to the dynamic changes that occur, using their unique characteristics to survive and thrive.
As the world around them changes, so must the hunters and their tactics. Not only will hunters have a multitude of weapons and armor to choose from, but the art of the hunt itself has evolved as hunters learn to anticipate monsters' behavior and familiarize themselves with their environment.
Characters: From hunting partners to fellow expedition members, you'll encounter plenty of those who will support you on your journey.
Kāpēc izvēlēties punktid.lv e-veikalu?
- Cena – pateicoties mūsu digitālajai piegādei, mēs varam izlaist piegādes un iepakošanas izmaksas, kas ļauj mums pārdot spēles lētāk par ieteicamo mazumtirdzniecības cenu.
- Uzticamība – Trustpilot platformā mums ir tūkstošiem pozitīvu atsauksmju, un mūsu vidējais vērtējums ir 5/5. Mēs vienmēr darām visu iespējamo, lai mūsu klientu pieredze būtu pēc iespējas patīkamāka un ātrāka.
- Pieredze – mēs esam tirgū kopš 2009. gada un zinām visu par spēlēm, tāpēc varam palīdzēt gandrīz visos jautājumos. Un, pat ja mēs nezinām, mēs to uzzināsim un mēģināsim tev palīdzēt!