Pirkt Tiešsaistē: Fishing Sim World 2020 - Pro Tour Collector’s Edition (PC)
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Oficiālā Steam izpirkšanas atslēga, lai lejupielādētu Fishing Sim World 2020 - Pro Tour Collector’s Edition
Produkta apraksts:
Fishing Sim World: Pro Tour base game features an authentic career mode where you work your way up to an elite angler.
Compete against over 100 of the best anglers on the planet including Ali Hamidi and Scott Martin across Carp, Bass and Predator fishing. Unlock sponsorship offers, gain career earnings and social media followers.
Custom multiplayer allows you to set the rules as you take on friends online. Choose different options such as number of rounds, length of match and catch species.
Participate in online tournaments which form the Dovetail Fishing League to try and earn the coveted title of ‘Angler of the Month’.
Use all your skills and tactics to master the variety of the 10 standard venues including famous Carp lakes Gigantica, Manor Farm at Linear Fisheries and Bass Lakes such as Lake Guntersville and Lake Travis.
Try hundreds of items of equipment including boats, from over 50 licensed partners when targeting the 31 different species of fish, each with their own behavioural systems and affected by issues such as weather conditions and time of day.
In Additional to the Standard Lakes and Equipment the Collector’s Edition includes 6 additional Lakes with new and exciting Fish types and over 80 additional pieces equipment including Boats, Rods and Fishing equipment.
Wraysbury Lake which is one of the most historic carp fishing venues of all time and was occupied by arguably the most famous carp, Mary who has been recreated for you to catch. Gillhams is a fishing paradise located in Krabi, Thailand.
Gillhams is a fishing paradise located in Krabi, Thailand. This holiday resort is on the bucket list of many anglers due to the exotic species from South America and Asia that swim in its rich waters. Despite only 12 acres in size, there are 5 unique species of fish - arapaima, Siamese carp, redtail catfish, Mekong and black pacu with each reaching staggering weights including Arapaima to over an incredible 560lbs!
Jezioro Bestii or ‘Lake of the Beast’, a scenic lake in the mountains of Poland, is famous for its predators including pike to over 50lbs, zander to over 20lbs and catfish to 85lbs.
Laguna Iquitos, in the heart of the rainforests of Peru, adds two new species of fish - the beautiful peacock bass and terrifying giant wolf fish as well as a new style of boat, a kayak. Also catch huge arapaima, black pacu and red tail catfish.
Two renowned Tournament Bass lakes Lake Seminole and Jordan. With largemouth bass to over 16lb, channel catfish to 44lb and longnose gar over 30lb, the challenges are high, but the rewards are huge!
Kā iespējams saņemt spēli?
Uz tavu e-pastu tiks nosūtīts unikāls kods, kuru iespējams aktivizēt mūsu mājaslapā. Precīzāku pamācību atradīsi zemāk sadaļā “Koda aktivizēšanas pamācība”.
Kāpēc izvēlēties Punktid.lv interneta veikalu?
Cena - tā kā produkti tiek piegādāti digitālā veidā, netiek piemēroti piegādes un pakošanas izdevumi, un mēs varam piedāvāt cenu, kas bieži vien ir zemāka par ieteicamo mazumtirdzniecības cenu.
Uzticamība - savas darbības laikā esam apkalpojuši desmitiem tūkstošu klientu un izpildījuši simtiem tūkstošu pasūtījumu. Neatkarīgajā atsauksmju vidē “Trustpilot” par mums ir iesniegts tūkstošiem pozitīvu atsauksmju, un mūsu vidējais vērtējums ir 5/5.
Pieredze - mēs darbojamies jau kopš 2009. gada. Mēs lieliski pārzinām spēļu pasauli, tāpēc problēmu gadījumā spēsim tev vienmēr palīdzēt.
Kāpēc izvēlēties punktid.lv e-veikalu?
- Cena – pateicoties mūsu digitālajai piegādei, mēs varam izlaist piegādes un iepakošanas izmaksas, kas ļauj mums pārdot spēles lētāk par ieteicamo mazumtirdzniecības cenu.
- Uzticamība – Trustpilot platformā mums ir tūkstošiem pozitīvu atsauksmju, un mūsu vidējais vērtējums ir 5/5. Mēs vienmēr darām visu iespējamo, lai mūsu klientu pieredze būtu pēc iespējas patīkamāka un ātrāka.
- Pieredze – mēs esam tirgū kopš 2009. gada un zinām visu par spēlēm, tāpēc varam palīdzēt gandrīz visos jautājumos. Un, pat ja mēs nezinām, mēs to uzzināsim un mēģināsim tev palīdzēt!